Courtney & David’s Fairyland Club Destination Wedding . Chattanooga Wedding Photographer
When Courtney called me from Hawaii to inquire about photography for her Destination Wedding in Chattanooga, Tennessee my first thought was, “You live in Hawaii and you’re getting married HERE?”. The disbelief grew even more so once she informed me that they were moving to Italy the week following their wedding, immediately after their honeymoon. Once I actually met David and Courtney a few days prior to their wedding – I understood it completely. Their wedding was perfectly suited for Chattanooga and fit even more perfectly at our gorgeous and amazing Fairyland Club on Lookout Mountain.
Courtney and David are amazing together. David in an officer in the United States Navy (I LOVE Military weddings!) and Courtney was Director of Marketing for Whole Foods before they relocated to Naples, Italy following their beautiful wedding. David was deployed much of the time they were engaged which left Courtney’s crafty self in Hawaii making the most amazing things for their wedding. Most of the details you’ll see in the photos were Courtney’s creations. She created speckled bird eggs with each guests name on the egg that rested in a tiny little nest as a place card for each and every guest. Each table was named after a different bird. Blue fabric covered boards held miniature vintage style postcards draped on a tiny clothesline held by itty bitty clothes pins in the lobby area so that each guest could find their name and seating arrangement. The table linens were hand made by Courtney’s aunts. In Hawaiian tradition 1,001 origami cranes (also handmade by Courtney) were strung across the ballroom windows inside the Fairyland Club. A cake-like tower was built and painted to hold the gorgeously decorated bluebird cupcakes which were made and brought in by Whole Foods (we don’t have one here in Chattanooga). The guestbook was, appropriately, a book filled with bird illustrations. For their exit Courtney had tied about a bazillion blue and white ribbons to silver painted dowels and mixed them with Union Jack flags (to represent London, England, their honeymoon destination). Courtney’s going-away dress was made from her Mother’s original wedding dress (genius idea!) and David wore a dashing seersucker suit like a nice Carolina boy should!
A Celtic band played the most beautiful music as David and Courtney’s guests were seated. A bagpiper escorted the beautiful bride and her father down the aisle at exactly noon on a day when we had some of the craziest weather I’ve ever seen. Storm clouds rolled in and out again, the sun came out shining brightly through the trees at about 11:30am – just in time for Courtney & David’s ceremony. In Naval tradition they entered the ballroom with the Arch of Swords. The cake was cut with David’s sword. There were no details or tradition overlooked and absolutely no lack of creativity poured in to this wedding. I could blog a thousand photos – but somehow narrowed it down to about fifty, haha!
After-wedding photos were taken at the Chattanooga Sheraton Read House. Gorgeous flowers were designed by Humphrey’s. Tammy at the Fairyland club was amazing, as always.
Courtney & David – you’re amazing, wonderful, beautiful people and you couldn’t be more perfect for each other. Thank you for trusting me to capture the most special memories of you, your family, and your closest friends on your wedding day. Someday (hopefully soon!) I’ll come visit you guys in Italy!
Wow Melody, gorgeous! The bride walking down the aisle….breathtaking. What a beautiful moment. Love the bird cupcakes and their “exit” outfits!
Wow these are gorgeous. Love all the genuine in-the-moment expressions you captured and your beautiful use of light. Stunning work.
what shall I say besides… WOW. They were certainly amazing, but you still have to have a great photographer to capture these wonderful things. What an outstanding choice they made in you!
It was, without a doubt, one of the lovliest & most genuine weddings I have attended…and you did a SPECTACULAR job of capturing the purity of the event. It was a day about Courtney, David and their marriage and your photos are a beautiful reflection of the love that they shared with us that day.
These are amazing. Love them all.
Gorgeous! I love their expressions during the processional – so touching! I can certainly see why they chose TN for their wedding – very fitting location!
Thanks, Melody! You were our second best choice of the day. I mean, obviously, the choice to show up & get hitched was #1, but you were the close second! We were floored by all of the images and can’t wait to share more with our family & friends soon. I could not have dreamed up a better photog for us when it came to your personality, patience and eye for detail. We love you and are looking forward to that “First Anniversary After-Session in Italy!” Wink, wink! Ciao Bella!