Reflection . Blog Carousel
In an effort to force myself to blog more often and to share the work of some of my wonderful colleagues I invite you to view our blog carousel. It is an network of blogs belonging to some truly incredible photographers where we choose a monthly theme and all post based on that theme, it’s fantastic to see other amazing photographers interpretations. This month’s theme is “Reflection”. Once you’ve read my blog post be sure to click on the photographer’s link I’ve posted to read theirs, you’ll be able to do the same on her blog and can keep going until you’ve come full circle.
Reflection means so many things to me. Aside from the literal reflection-in-a-mirror interpretation, I reflect on the past, my life, images I’ve captured for my clients, fond memories, people I’ve loved, childhood friends, amazing moments… I have so many incredible moments stored in my memory that it’s difficult to choose a single one to reflect on. After spending a ridiculous amount of time going through my photos trying to decide what to post about – I decided to share a photo that combines the best of both types of reflection – in his glasses you can see the reflection of St. Peters Square in Vatican City, but when I look at this image I reflect on an amazing trip to Italy to photograph some amazing clients that I’ll share with you in my next blog post.
Please visit the next photographer in our Blog Carousel, the fabulous Danna Bowes Treadwell of Bowes Baby Art to view her interpretation of Reflection.
I love it. He looks so peaceful and curious at all once. Great shot and post.
Love this capture. What a great way of show casing reflections. Now I only wish that I was there as well!
Love how you included both interpretations of reflection in this one image – perfect! I can’t wait to see the images of your amazing clients now!
This could quite possibly be my favorite photograph this week. It is strong, introspective and such a pleasing mix of light, composition and environment.
Fantastic portrait! I love that there are layers of interpretation of reflection in this. Beautiful location, light and subject ;). Love it
[…] I’ve joined a group of great photographers in a little project called a Blog Carousel…each month we are given theme and we all post a shot or two of some representation of the theme. Fun, right? This week the theme is “reflection.” I admit I let this one sneak up on me…I should have done this shot on a brighter day instead of waiting until the last minute, which meant shooting on this dark, dreary day…but I still love the shot. My baby will soon be a little girl… here she is playing in big sister’s room. After you look around here, feel free to take a look at the blog of the next Blog Carousel participant, Melody Hood of Innamorata Photography https://www.innamorata.comblog/06/reflection-blog-carousel/ […]
What a VERY cool shot, Melody!! I love the reflection, the flare…awesome!!
This. Is. Amazing. It is so reflective the look in his face – and then the glasses wowwwwwza. Love this so much.
Love this- the tones and subtle flare in the back is perfect!
So you have interpreted reflection in two ways, both in the same image! Awesome! I can’t wait to see the rest of your Italy photos.
Now THIS tells a story – a perfect image!
Wow, what a great photograph. It’s very powerful. I love it
this is a super cool shot….and I am so jealous! Italy is my number 1 place I want to go and I have yet to see it. Can’t wait to see more.